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Onalaska ISD


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Special Education

Links to Required Special Education Postings 

Special Education Resources

Updates in Special Education

Actualizaciones en Educación Especial

Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services

Evaluaciones Retrasadas o Denegadas & Servicios Compensatorios

The Dyslexia Handbook 2021 Update


Dyslexia Handbook

Notice for Procedural Safeguards

ARD Guideline

The Texas Transition & Employment Guide to a Successful Life After High School for Students with Disabilities

Texas Transition and Employment Guide

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information:

Phone: 1-855-773-3839

Email: inquire@spedtex.org

Live Chat: www.spedtex.org




Attention Parents/Guardians, Former Students, Eligible (Adult) Students:
Special Education records which have been collected by the Big Sandy, Corrigan-Camden,
Goodrich, Leggett and Onalaska Independent School Districts related to the identification,
evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of Special Education in the district, must be
maintained under state and federal laws for a period of five years after Special Education
services have ended for the student. Special Education services end when the student no
longer is eligible for services, graduates, completes his or her educational program at age 22, or
moves from the district.
This notification is to inform parents/guardians and former students of the Big Sandy,
CorriganCamden, Goodrich, Leggett and Onalaska Independent School Districts’ intent to
destroy the Special Education records of students who are no longer receiving Special
Education services prior to the 2016-2017 school year. These records will be destroyed in
accordance with state law unless the parent/guardian or eligible (adult) student notifies the
school district otherwise.
After five years, the records are no longer useful to the district, but they may be useful to the
parent/guardian or former student in applying for Social Security benefits, rehabilitation services,
college entrance, etc.
The parent/guardian or eligible (adult) student may request the records in writing or by voicemail
to the following address:
Polk County Special Services Cooperative
504 South Home Street
Corrigan, Texas 75939 Phone: 936-225-5446
Email: lsebaugh@ccisdtx.com Requests for records must be received by June 8, 2023.



Atencion Padres/Guardianes : Ex-alumnos, estudiantes (adultos) elegibles:
Registros de educación especial que han sido recolectados por los distritos escolares
independientes Big Sandy, Corrigan-Camden, Goodrich, Leggett y Onalaska relacionados con
la identificación, evaluación, colocación educativa, o la provisión de educación especial en el
distrito, debe mantenerse bajo las leyes estatales y federales por un período de cinco años
después de que los servicios de educación especial hayan terminado para el estudiante. Los
servicios de educación especial terminan cuando el estudiante ya no es elegible para servicios,
graduados, completa su programa educacional a la edad de 22 años, ose mudo del distrito.
Esta notificación es para informar a los padres/tutores y ex-estudiantes de Big Sandy,
Corrigan-Camden, Goodrich, Leggett Onalaska, los distritos escolares independientes con
intención de destruir los registros de educación especial de los estudiantes que ya no reciben
servicios de educación especial antes del año escolar 2016-2017. Estos registros serán
destruidos de acuerdo con la ley estatal al menos que el padre/guardián o estudiante elegible
(adulto) notifique al distrito escolar de otra manera.
Después de cinco años, los registros ya no son útiles para el distrito, pero pueden ser útiles
para elpadre/guardián o el ex-estudiante en la solicitud de beneficios de seguro social, servicios
derehabilitación, ingreso a la Universidad, etc. El padre/guardián o estudiante elegible (adulto)
puede solicitar los registros por escrito en la siguiente dirección:
Polk County Special Services Cooperative
504 South Home Street
Corrigan, Texas 75939
Tel: 936-225-5446
Las solicitudes de registro deben ser recibidas el viernes, 8 de June, 2023.